Friday, January 18, 2013

College Financial Aid workshop

SENATOR DR. ED HERNANDEZ, O.D. California State Senate invites California's high school seniors to a free workshop on CASH FOR COLLEGE apply for a CAL GRANT and other financial aid. Saturday, February 9, 2013. To register, visit For more information, call 626.430.2499. Mt. San Antonio College - 1100 N. Grand Ave. - Walnut, California

Toy Donation Thanks

Thank you to Azteca America for the donation of toys for Christmas!

Cruz Baca Sembello and Councilwoman Susan Rubio represented St.John the Baptist at the event.

You can keep bringing toys to the church (blue containers), parish office or social services office.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The Social Services office will be closed on Monday, January 21, due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.