Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Celebrating 2011 ... Safely

A message form the Baldwin Park Police Department

It’s that time of year again, December 31st, a day to remember the past and a day to celebrate the New Year to come. Wherever you may be celebrating New Year’s Eve, the Baldwin Park Police Department would like to encourage everyone to celebrate the holiday safely and responsibly.

What goes up will come down. A bullet fired in the air can climb up to two miles and when it comes down it can reach speeds of 300 to 700 feet per second. Researches report that a velocity of 200 feet per second is sufficient to penetrate a human skull.

Drunk driving is one of the biggest killers during the holiday season, for this reason there will be increased patrols and sobriety check points. Designate a driver before the celebration begins. Watch for erratic driving and report drunk drivers. Find a Tipsy Tow service in your area.

Stay alive, don’t drink and drive.
Shooting a gun into the air is a crime.
If a stray bullet should hit someone, individuals can be arrested and charged with a serious crime.
If you see someone fire a gun in the air, call 911.
Report drunk drivers, call 911.

Enjoy the holiday safely and responsibly!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


St. John the Baptist Social Services wants to wish everyone a merry Christmas and say how thankful it is for the support in 2010.

Aerobics and Medi-Cal Update

The twice-weekly aerobics classes will resume Monday, January 3, following the Christmas break.

The county Medi-Cal worker is on vacation for the remainder of 2010. She will return to St. John the Baptist Social Services on Monday, January 3, 2011.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Come join St. John the Baptist Social Services at the final Posada for 2010.

7 p.m. in the hall following meeeting at church.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thank You And Now ...

Thank you for the support of the Thanksgiving Day Drive, which aided 133 families. Now, the focus is on Christmas. Citizenship classes are continuing.